Newell News-round up, week 17 and 18

News round-up took a two-week break so tonight we will take you through a whistle-stop tour of the obvious and not so obvious from the past couple of weeks


Is SOLD! the government have allowed a £1bn contract sell off to occur. The outsourcing project will see invites of bids from £700 to £1bn and will no doubt see Jeremy Hunt’s bearded friend Richard Branson of Virgin Care coming in to take over the end of life care department. There are no lows that these people will not sink to. Profiting from the illness and death of the public.

Your blood or rather plasma has been SOLD! Plasma UK has been sold off to U.S. venture capitalist Bain Capital now, who own an %80 stake in them. For those of you unaware, Bain Capital have fingers in lots of pies as with all good capitalist monopolies, including Dominoes pizza but not apparently UK Dominoes… You cannot make this up.

There are daily articles about dangerous nurses, bad trusts and a hole host of other things being peddled by the main stream media. These are exceptions to the rule, the rule being that doctors and nurses are wonderful people who do amazing things everyday that many of us would never be able to do even if our lives or that of our loved ones depended on it. Do not let them be stolen away by blood thirsty soul sucking vampires intent on making a living off our misfortune.

Human Rights

Internet pornography has been David Cameron’s big issue the past couple of weeks, aside from Labour and the union barons and he has pushed through some reform that will mean censorship of the internet. The attack has been very visceral regarding porn but with young family members that use the Internet all the time I have never come across them looking at lady boys daily or any other online porn, which raises the question what has darling David been looking at to be so worried? Unsurprisingly it is not limited to internet porn but covers a wide spectrum of other things that you must opt in to if you want access.However most humans will probably go for default settings, thus meaning they will be screening out this blog amongst many other things the state will not want them to see. 1984 was never more real than it is right now. For further reading see Laurie Penny’s article for New Statesman.

If David is that worried about the psyche of our children he may want to address this.

Hatred UK Gohomevans

Go Home Vans…It is enough to make you sick. The allowance of a rise in fascism to let right-wing agenda creep into main stream politics. The only reason these vans are being plastered about the street is to spread hatred, mistrust and fear amongst one another. “Is your neighbour illegal? Dial 0800 FASCISTPIGS” You cannot write it. There is a picture doing the rounds on the internet of another billboard van from the 1930’s doing the same thing but as yet I have not authenticated it.


The government have four people advising them that have a vested interested in the energy firms who stand to profit from fracking. You couldn’t make it up. There have been anti fracking protests this week in Balcombe as the search for gas and oil begins in earnest and the police brutality has been close behind. The police have to see that they are responsible for the world that is being created and that their interest lay with the people and not the state. These vans arrived the same time as the Royal spawn.

The Daily Hate Mail front page this week was that firms have a duty to employ British people, echoing Gordon Brown’s comments in 2009 that there should be British jobs for British people. I hope the are not brown British people they are talking about otherwise the EDL, Ukip and BNP will be most displeased.

The UK have a complacency on arctic drilling that should worry us all, the issue being how an oil spill of any magnitude would be cleaned up in such a harsh environment. As with both of these issues it is not the planet that needs saving, it is the humans. George Carlin once said that the planet would be fine and that it may have created humans so that it might eat plastic. The damage done to the environment will directly affect us and we have a duty to provide a world that allows our descendants to flourish and be nourished by it.


Need a loan? Then ask your local church! So some back ground, one of David Cameron’s former advisors, Jonathan Luff, now works for Wonga. You cannot make it up. They are all over the television and providing loans to people with huge interest rate returns. The church has directly invested into Wonga and it has been one hell of a mess. What is the church doing you might think? Then it comes out about their other investments, including the arms trade but they do not apparently get involved directly with making arms, just providing component parts and it must go to people with good moral standing. What would Jesus say? He would no doubt be spinning on his cross.

Whilst the Royal spawn was being pushed out and Kay Burley was quizzing the hospital on how dilated Kate was, Japan was busy telling the UK it should be mindful of withdrawing from the EU as it would make it less appetising for the Japanese to build cars and manufacture other stuff here as trade with Europe would become a problem.


The world has been busy! In Japan commuters joined together to lift a train off of a passenger proving that the empathic civilisation is not dead just yet. Luckily for them there were no U.S drones coming in for a second strike to kill the first responders.

Bradley Manning is in the dock and about to be tried by the barbarian hordes responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.

Buy your clothes from one of Philip Greens establishments? Then you are contributing to the dangerous working conditions for thousands of people living in Bangladesh that no one in this country would put up with (at the minute) as he refuses to sign up to a safety deal following the building collapse earlier this year and the numerous fires that have devastated their lives and work places. When profits rule, health, safety and honesty go out of the window.

The UK is profiting to the tune of £12bn from arms exports to regimes with questionable human rights; namely the apartheid state of Israel, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. War is good for business and with the world rising up against oppressive regimes, business is booming.

The people of Egypt are on the streets with rival rallies for and against Morsi who was recently usurped in a military coup, called for by the people. Dozens of people have been killed and there is real danger of Egypt descending into civil war.

Remember Libya? The violence is escalating in Libya at present with a prominent activist being shot and killed

Iraq. I have lost count how many have died in the past week but the violence rampaging through Iraq is startling. The following links show two of the most recently reported. and The blood left on Tony Blair’s hands must never be forgotten. 

Detroit City went broke at the same time as JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs recorded profits almost to the level before the financial crises that started 2008.

And whilst some babies were being born in to a life of privilege, with people hoping for a daughter, millions of other daughters face the prospect of genital mutilation.

Science and Tech

This week we were paled into insignificance by the marvellous picture of Earth taken from the orbit of Saturn. We are truly a pale blue dot spinning around at a thousand miles an hour through the cosmos. We are a people capable of great innovation and empathy as shown by the Japanese train crash and the picture of Earth, why we must debase ourselves at the behest of the soul suckers is beyond me. 

NASA's Cassini spacecraft  captures Saturn's rings and Earth and its moon in the same frame.


Boy king, I thought he’d be taller

It is times like this that you see just what you are up against. For the last 24 hours and possibly for the foreseeable future, the news streams have been about nothing other than the Royal baby birth. Non stop coverage by Sky News’ Kay Burley led to one funny moment when a man announced to the world that the child was indeed black and meant I would be a clot closer to winning a million on the name being Trayvon, Tyler or Charmaine.

Kate was taken into labour yesterday morning, Kay Burley was relentless in her coverage and at one point I was sure we would find out just how dilated Kate was and lo and behold, Kay asked the question. The world waited with bated breath to see whether we would see the birth of a fresh prince or princess. The fact that people cared more about the gender than whether mother and child were both safe and healthy says a lot about the society we live, preoccupied as to whether or not we will get to see another Queen in our lifetime. As it stands, no, we won’t for Kate had a baby boy, who would be king. He sits third in line to the throne, born into a life of wealth and privilege but in reality, benefits.

The wait now is for a name but already the Royal spawn has a start in life that most children will never know as there has been a £1m makeover for the baby bedroom, raising the question what sort of blood diamond encrusted mobile it must have to look at at bed time. At the same time as the world waited for the news of boy or a girl, some people’s daughters were facing the very real prospect of genital mutilation. As many as 30 million (probably more) daughters on this planet will face genital mutilation according to Unicef, but do not worry about this violation of a young girls right to health, think about the Royal baby and how much joy it will bring to the nation.

Never mind that you will have to put your hand in your pocket for the rest of your life and your children’s lives to provide the child with a lifestyle and riches we can never imagine, you just worry about the benefits scroungers taking houses worth £500,000 (half as much as one baby bedroom just cost you) and get upset about that. Why? Because the media have told you to think about that and not to think about the cost of the Royals. Did you know the Queen just had a huge pay rise? It actually makes the MP pay rise scandal pale into insignificance.

Our children face a decline in their happiness as a result of this recession a study by a top charity has found, with a drop in their well-being being recorded since 2008. The Royal baby will have access to the best schools and medical care. Our children face privatised schools and education and the privatisation of the NHS.

Of course this is not the babies fault, he will be a product of his environment just like the rest of us, but the fact remains he will never know the suffering and struggle that far too great a number of children face in the 21st century. According to the Independent today, 1 in 3 children will be subject to poverty where parents make the choice between heating and eating, where they face the choice of eating themselves or feeding their children. It is not the babies fault but his grandmother has a £billion hat made of blood diamonds, crafted from the death and bones of countless people across the planet, a house with 78 bathrooms and 52 bedrooms. The child from a regular working family will have to worry about being able to find a job, afford rent knowing that a mortgage is beyond reach and know that they cannot go home because the state will have financially finalised their parents under the bedroom tax…The Royal babies grandmother has 52 bedrooms…


Our children now also face the possibility of being conscripted back into the armed forces, but do not call it what it is, make it open to both sexes, give them bullet proof vests to keep bullets out of their chests and forget about getting their arms and legs blown off by IED’s in a foreign land in the middle of an illegal war. You couldn’t make it up.

Finally 26 more people died in Iraq yesterday at the hands of a suicide bomber, but you wold not have noticed that because the Royal naming has to take place.

If only the hundreds of people gathered to wait for a glimpse of an easel or the thousands of people on the social media sites could take the energy committed into kneeling for the Royal family and focus it on making even the smallest change to the backwards planet we live on, our society would be a much better place. This baby has meant so much to so many, now we must see every child matter as much.

Newell News-round up, week 16

This weeks round up is quite simply a shocker.

We have had great sporting distraction completed, the British and Irish Lions won their first series for 16 years in Australia, the BBC told that Murray was the first Brit to win Wimbledon for 70 plus years, totally ignoring the achievements of Virginia Wade, the Aussies are taking a pasting in the cricket and David Moyes lost his first game in charge of Manchester United. T.V is god.


If the attack of the NHS was not obvious before it is now as the home of health care is being forced to shut by the Tories. Trafford General where the first ever NHS patient was treated is about to have its A&E department closed down as the grim reaper of health care Jeremy Hunt said patients could go to neighbouring hospitals.

The Daily Mail who makes its name in bashing immigrants and benefits scroungers is backing a call from the confused public for the Royal spawn to have a stay at home mum and dad. It is alleged that Wills is thinking of quitting his job to be with his child. They are lucky they have the choice! Most parents are having to work one or two jobs just to make ends meet and their ends are meeting as Eddie Murphy would say “Like a mother f**ker!” I believe that children need to have a stable environment with parents/guardians or whatever they are called these days, to help shape them but unfortunately for you and I we do not have that luxury with the cost of living and yet we are going to support these people in quitting their jobs to look after their children. If the BBC or Sky ran a story about a benefits scrounger you would be up in arms about it.

More UK service men and women took their lives last year than in the total number killed in action in Afghanistan during the same period. I have been asking for some time what the real damage of this war will be on the personnel deployed to fight the illegal wars. The Falklands war lasted a fraction of the time these illegal wars have and the post traumatic stress that came about as a result of the horrors they witnessed was astronomical.

Today the government continues its attack on the less fortunate as the £500 cap on benefits rolls out. MPs are on the verge of getting pay rises worth £6000, claim for their children to get more for themselves, come from families of millionaires (and are pretty well off themselves), are entitled to £450 a month food allowance and tell us about the need to tighten belts because we are all in this together. You couldn’t make it up but Iain Duncan Smith has decided he believes he is right so it must be true.

Politics/Human Rights

Theresa May finally got her man and Abu Qatada spent his first week back in Jordan awaiting trial. Sky News in particular pushed both May and PM David Cameron on whether the delay in his deportation will now mean tht they make moves to change or withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights. Neither of them said yes but then they did not say no either. These may be troubling and worrying times for the rest of us.

Nelson Mandela is said to be stable and may return home soon. We should be mindful when the time comes and the tributes pour in that there are Conservatives who once viewed him as a terrorist and there was a very real belief he should have been hung. This is not to say that people cannot change, but the surrounding evidence does not support that idea.


The Chinese economy is in the news again with the statistics showing that it has slowed between the period of April to June. Trade wars loom.

Mark Carney (head of the Bank of england) is to get a house costing us £11,000 a week. Another pig at the trough.

Rent in the UK is unaffordable for the low income families in a third of the UK. Wage deflation continues, cost of living increases and house prices are still floating in the bubble created at the turn of the century. Of course housing is unaffordable in over a third of the country.


NASA have tested a 3D printed engine part for the first time. 3D printing made a more controversial entrance into the mainstream media earlier this year when the blue print for a 3d printable gun went online.

With the announcement of a new Terminator trilogy Arnold Schwarzenegger could be replaced by a real life military robot. Built and design by an American Defense Department the drone wars are not as far away as we might think and at over 6ft tall and 23 stone with the ability to mimic human movements it might be a better actor than Arnie too.


Trayvon Martin, aged 17, shot and killed by a neighbourhood watchman George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was found not guilty by the jury and Barack Obama has appealed for calm as a sense of anger and injustice rose across the States. Much has been written, some in haste, over the events that led to the death of Trayvon Martin the end result is a young boy has lost his life and his family’s life ruined. Some will say George Zimmerman has a life now in pieces too but he made the decision to pursue a young boy, believing him to be up to no good based purely on the colour of his skin. Zimmerman made the decision to disregard the advice of police control not to pursue what may have been a dangerous assailant and the consequences of his decisions that night lead to Trayvon’s murder, yet somehow Zimmerman has been found not guilty and walked free from court. If a young white boy had been shot by a black man I wonder would the result have been the same? To put the curious law of stand your ground into some kind of context, an African American woman who lived with a man with a history of domestic violence used a side arm to fire a warning shot after a row broke out in the family home, the judge decided that she had not feared for her life and due to a slight variance in testimonies sentenced her to 20 years in prison. America and the world are divided. Some believe the acquittal was the only verdict, believing Trayvon to be the aggressor, others believe at the very least a man slaughter charge should have been awarded. Twitter has seen the various attacks, lead by none more so than Louise Mensch.