We are the change

Ten minutes catching up on the news headlines is enough to make your blood boil!

Obama says he needs to regain some credibility following the Obama care fiasco a few weeks ago… Really? Nothing about needing to regain some credibility because at the Democrat Convention in 2007 he said he would close Guantanamo Bay, restore habeas corpus and end the war. Instead Guantanamo continues with innocent people being force fed due to hunger strikes, NDAA bill was signed as well as CISPA, the NSA scandal erupted and of course we should not forget the drone war which was started by George W. Bush, but utilised and endorsed by Obama. People are summarily tried and excuted without trial and if you are unlucky enough to be a first responder in Pakistan or Yemen, the chances are they will send in the drones again and bomb you. Oh and don’t go to school because there are dozens of Malala’s out there being blown up by Obama’s drone army.

We should give him a peace prize…

Black people in the UK are 3 times more likely to be stopped and detained by the police than white people. This echos another statistic of black people being more than twice likely to be stopped and charged for drug related offences, even though there is an equal amount of use, abuse and sale of it by white and black people. If you are black and detained you are also more likely to die in detention, earlier I had posted being 100% more likely but upon reflection this detracts from others who have suffered at heavy handed police actions.

Nick Clegg says immigrants need to respect our way of life when coming here…you mean the way we do when we engage in illegal wars setting up check points, dropping depleted uranium and white phosphorus on them in their countries whilst listening to heavy metal? Or spreading new democracy by pitching up a McDonald’s restaurant and a Coca-Cola billboard selling trans-fats to children? As if this comment wasn’t bad enough, Clegg said it as a response to David Blunkett who claims there will be riots in his constituency because Romanians are “standing in the streets”. Imagine we lived in a world whereby we had the right to peaceful assembly!?

The fear mongering and scapegoating of Romanians has been relentless from all sides of the mainstream media. I am just waiting for the announcement from the Beeb that the Romanians have cursed our families and we’ll have to go witch hunting.

Where’s the good news? The good news is that people are slowly starting to see the need to join the dots and connect the issues we have been fighting in isolation up until now. Scapegoating and deflection are all means to divide and rule but feel that slowly people are becoming tuned in to this. We have more in common with each other than we do with the corporations and the bosses supposedly running this country and we stand to gain more by standing together than by going it alone. We need to move from being the change we wish to see in the world, to realising we are the change we have been waiting for. Attend rallies, march, talk to others about their problems, find common themes and joint solutions. Our moment is now.